
Notice No. 2/2024

of the President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office 24 September 2024 concerning the publication of the patent and utility model documents, the Patent Gazette (Patentblatt), the Trade Mark Journal (Markenblatt) and the Design Gazette (Designblatt) on the official internet platform DPMAregister at the end of 2024 and in 2025

Last publication dates in 2024

The German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) will publish the following on the official internet platform DPMAregister:

  • patent and utility model documents and the Patent Gazette for the last time on 24 December 2024; and
  • the Trade Mark Journal and the Design Gazette for the last time on 27 December 2024.

Publication dates in 2025

In 2025, the publications of the DPMA on the official internet platform DPMAregister will be made as follows:

  • patent and utility model documents and the Patent Gazette every Thursday; and
  • the Trade Mark Journal and the Design Gazette every Friday.

If a publication date coincides with a public holiday at the Munich office, the publication will be made on the previous day. If this day also coincides with a public holiday, the publication will be brought forward by another day.

Accordingly, the following publications will be brought forward in 2025:

Publication Publication date = public holiday Publication brought forward to
Trade Mark Journal, Design Gazette 18 April 2025 17 April 2025
Patent and utility model documents, Patent Gazette 1 May 2025 30 April 2025
Patent and utility model documents, Patent Gazette 29 May 2025 28 May 2025
Patent and utility model documents, Patent Gazette 19 June 2025 18 June 2025
Trade Mark Journal, Design Gazette 15 August 2025 14 August 2025
Trade Mark Journal, Design Gazette 3 October 2025 2 October 2025
Patent and utility model documents, Patent Gazette, Trade Mark Journal, Design Gazette 25/26 December 2025 24 December 2025

The President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office
Eva Schewior

544 E 9 - 2.1.2

Last updated: 4 October 2024