Notice of 26 March 2019
on the entry into force of the Ordinance Amending the Patent Ordinance and other Ordinances in the Field of Industrial Property Protection (Verordnung zur Änderung der Patentverordnung und anderer Verordnungen des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes)
On 1 April 2019, the Ordinance Amending the Patent Ordinance and other Ordinances in the Field of Industrial Property Protection of 12 December 2018 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2446; BlPMZ 2019, p. 38) entered into force.
The Ordinance amends provisions of the Patent Ordinance (Patentverordnung), the Ordinance on the Translations of the Claims of European Patent Applications (Verordnung über die Übersetzungen der Ansprüche europäischer Patentanmeldungen), the Utility Model Ordinance (Gebrauchsmusterverordnung), the Trade Mark Ordinance (Markenverordnung), the Ordinance on the Performance of Particular Tasks (Wahrnehmungsverordnung), the Semiconductor Protection Ordinance (Halbleiterschutzverordnung) and the Design Ordinance (Designverordnung).
The focus of this Ordinance is the standardisation of provisions which have so far been shaped differently in the various IP ordinances. This applies in particular to the provisions on translations and the required information on applicants and representatives.
In addition, now, after expiry of the transitional period under Section 147(3) of the Patent Act (Patentgesetz), the Ordinance implements the deletion of the provisions concerning the patent of addition also in the Patent Ordinance, implemented in the Patent Act by the Act Revising Certain Provisions of Patent Law and Other Acts in the Field of Industrial Property Protection of 19 October 2013 (Gesetz zur Novellierung patentrechtlicher Vorschriften und anderer Gesetze des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes) (Federal Law Gazette I p. 3830; BlPMZ 2013, p. 362 et seq.).
The Ordinance is published in the Federal Law Gazette (in German).
1031 – 4.3.2/2015-1
Last updated: 21 February 2025
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